Augsburg Fortress

Christopher Aspaas
— As the Dark Awaits the Dawn

David Cherwien
— Come, Beloved of the Maker
— Harvest Gold
— O Blessed Spring
— O Infinite Greatness
— Signs and Wonders

Michael Costello
— As Your Spirit In the Desert

Bradley Ellingboe
— Our Wistful Song

Robert Buckley Farlee
— O Blessed Spring
— Rich In Promise

John Ferguson
— Rise, O Church, Like Christ Arisen

Ralph Johnson
— For Such A Time As This

Graeme Morton
— As the Dark Awaits the Dawn

Anne Krentz Organ
— In Deepest Night

Thomas Pavlechko
— In Sacred Manner

Mark Sedio
— Creator God, Who Gave Us Life
— Rich In Promise

Carl Schalk
— As the Dark Awaits the Dawn
— Day of Arising


David Cherwien
— God Has Called Us

Bradley Nelson
O Sacred River


GIA Publications

Marty Haugen
— Beloved, God's Chosen

Melodious Accord

Alice Parker
— Sweet coming


David Cherwien
— Come, New Heav'n, New Earth Descending
— Day of Arising
— Rise, O Church, Like Christ Arisen           

John Helgen
O Blessed Spring

Robert Hobby
— Beloved, God's Chosen
— God Has Called Us
— Holy Light
— Out From Your Throne

Aaron McDermid
— Light To Light

I. Earth,  II. Fire,  III. Water,  IV. Wind

Gerald Near
 lumen de lumine

Neil A. Kjos Music

David Cherwien

Bradley Ellingboe

John Helgen
— O Sun of Grace
— Sing Soft To This Expectant Earth